Back Again!

"So, how do I like my coffee?" I hear you ask.

Firstly, let me  tell you I love coffee. Hard to believe I disliked it so much as a child.

Many years ago, a cafe chain opened up, called Billy Baxter's. Certain friends and family members thought it was dedicated to me.

That's because I'm passionate about the bean. Yes, I like it made from pods, with froth on top... Hell, I just love it.

At home I drink Moccona ( my spell checker put up a brave fight suggesting moccasin just then) but alas, Moccona wins again. And it's freeze-dried, Dark Roast - that's important!

A heaped teaspoon of coffee, two decent spoons of sugar (notice I used the word decent, rather than heaped - for some reason it doesn't sound quite so bad) followed by milk - before the boiling water.

Speaking of water, I have been told many a time that I need to drink more. Does that mean I should up my coffee quota?

I have been know to take the odd sip. I can remember growing up as a child at Brahma Lodge. Hot summer days and running under the sprinkler on the front lawn. We all drank plenty of water from the garden hose back then.

That was back in the sixties. (1960's)

But getting older, as we all are, I'll save for another post. - Rick


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