Attack of the Christmas People

I was watching an old episode of Superman, staring George Reeves. That made me think of Irwin Allen and before long I was reminiscing about Christmas as a child. The excitement. The wonder. The spirit of giving.

Then I went shopping. Just for milk, oh and kitty litter...

And just like in the famous triangle, I could still see the lights of Miami.

It happens every year but like childbirth (so they tell me) the excruciating pain is soon forgotten.

Slower than the speed of paint drying.
Able to get get all price checks in a single hour.
Look! Up in the aisle. It's a herd! It's insane. 

It's Christmas People!
Strange visitors from another planet, who's shopping powers and abilities are far greater than ordinary folk.

Christmas People!
Who can block the flow of mighty aisles, bend wits with their bare hands,
And who, disguised as normal - unable to park and with no sense of direction - morons, fight a never-ending battle against, haste, peace of mind and the stress free way!

PS Do they really have to walk, triple file, taking up the entire aisles? Switch sides, quick and out run them. God no, there's more coming the opposite way.

If you look closer, you'll see it. That vague, glassy eyed expression. Blank, lost but on a mission. Must buy. Must stop suddenly. Must take forever. Must... 

The Yuletide survivors of some apocalyptic encounter with the Xmas asteroid.
They are the shopping dead!

PPS I may not have given birth but I have had kidney stones.

Till next time, Rick  😉


  1. Love it!!! Road rage them Christmas shoppers

  2. It's lonely out in left field! Loved your story -it made me laff!!!


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